Layout Scaled Drawing

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  • #27405
    [email protected]

    Hello ConDoc Team,

    I have been using ConDoc for a while now and really like the way it works. That being said, I was reading a thread in the forum from a few months ago where Mike was explaining he was not using Draft Mode much since the Layout scaled drawing feature came out.

    Let me take a minute to say that I still do things the old school way and draw my sections and details and do not use the section tools for that because I need to get them done quickly and to a certain level of detail that it would take too long to create in a model.

    I would agree that the scaled drawing is a game changer but the thing that makes Draft Mode a better option is the tape measure tool and the protractor.  Those tools are invaluable to me when laying out a building and details. I can use the offset tool in Layout to mimic the offsetting of the tape measure tool, but what do you use for the protractor? For instance on a drawing I am working on right now I am trying to layout a roof detail and it is a whole lot more work trying to do a roof pitch than in Draft Mode. So how do you handle angles and extending lines? I don’t have the angles memorized for the roof pitch so I just do it the old school way which is slow and clunky as compared to just using the protractor tool and use 4:12. Is there any thought from your team or the sketch up team of adding those tools to layout? As I said I am usually under a deadline and I am probably not using Sketchup or ConDoc to the maximum I could be. Any suggestions would be helpful.



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