My current project is a 2 level residence on a canyon edge that was built on a surveyed point cloud train model. The terrain model is in it’s real world coordinates and the house model built on that. Done this way for solar study and site placement due to views on the canyon edge. Because of this my Floor Levels in the Plans Generator aren’t your typical 0′-0″ Level 1 & -10-0″ Level 00. I took me a minute to figure out my floor heights relative to origin the first time and I was good. Flash forward 10 months later I’m done with design and working on CD’s and I’m trying to generate the rest of my plans (RCP, Electrical and Site) and I had to go thru all the steps of figuring out my Floor Level heights for the Plans Generator because ConDocs doesn’t retain that setting. Totally disappointed. Please put this on your user wish list.