Problems Printing PDF’s Created from Stacked Viewports

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    Ruben Benitez

    Ok guys, don’t know if anyone else has experienced this issue but I’m having troubles printing PDF’s created from Layout from sheets with stacked viewports created with ConDocs. I’ve had this issue in the past and it’s always been a raster image outside of my sheet area that causes the problem. This time there are no viewports outside the sheet edge/limits. When adobe starts to flatten the progress bar just hangs around 50% or it completes the flatten process and then gives me an error that it can’t print. I need some help on this one as this is my first complete project out of ConDocs and I can’t print it

    Mike Brightman

    Hello Ruben,

    How are your PDF’s previewing? Are all the details showing up as they should in your LayOut document? Are any viewports/text/annotations missing or in poor quality?

    If you are noticing that there are elements not exporting or showing up, I would double-check your document reference links (make sure every image or imported link is connected to it’s respective location before you export your final set).

    I would try a test of exporting your set to “medium” size or even “low” quality size and see if that makes a difference.

    Also, check to see if your printer has any software updates. If you are on Adobe Creative Cloud, you could see if there’s a newer version of Acrobat Pro (that’s what we use). Adobe has frequent updates to their products, but it would appear to be their software that you might open a ticket with if you’re still having issues. Make a note of any error codes and see if your printer manufacturer knows what they could mean.

    Ruben Benitez


    PDF’s view fine, no issues what so ever. Everything is on the sheet and views as it should

    I use Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
    I’m on the current version
    I get no error codes, just a message if I wait long enough but that usually takes 10+ min, who waits that long?
    This is only an issue with ConDocs stacked views and I’m neatly 100% sure it’s directly related to the raster views. Elevations and sections have no issues and are not stacked views.


    Mike Brightman

    Thanks Ruben,

    Sounds like this would indicate that it might be an image flattening issue with your computer. Depending on the size of your sheets and the viewports you’ve included in your set, there could be a lot to process.. especially with raster images or viewports that have been changed to “Raster” as opposed to hybrid or vector.

    1. Try re-adjusting your viewports if needed.. if they are black and white, and no shading is included, then Hybrid or Vector could save some processing power
    2. Change your PDF Export Options.. knock down the output resolution to Medium, Compress your JPEGs, and uncheck the Create PDF Layers from LayOut Layers. These should trim down some size

    If that fails, you could look at compressing your PDF via Acrobat Pro or another free online service. This will cut the size of the file but retain the image and document quality.

    Some printers tend to get overloaded if there are lots of layers in your PDF and they’re all set to maximum size and resolution.

    Hope this helps!

    Ruben Benitez

    Luke …… I went to medium output on the pdf and that seemed to do the trick. Thanks for the suggestion

    Mike Brightman

    No problem, glad that did the trick!

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