Scenes reset and how to go backwards

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  • #34794
    [email protected]

    I’m new to Condocs, and am having some problems! I submitted some Condocs generated Layout drawings (site plan, elevations, floor plans) to a design review committee a few weeks ago. When I opened the Layout file today, I went from document setup ->references -> Go To SketchUp file, and my scenes were no longer usable. The layout plan set is still good, but I have some design changes to make (adding some windows, rotating the building slightly), and I’m not sure how to best work backwards. I don’t know what I did to make the scenes go away (they are still listed as scenes, but the view doesn’t change when I click on them), but I can no longer switch between scenes…it’s as though they were never set up. I guess I’m wondering how to salvage this and initiate all of those scenes again w/0 screwing up my Layout file. How do you work backwards in Condocs? TIA!

    Ruben Benitez

    It sounds like some of the scene properties weren’t set to be saved.  If you don’t see a list of 8 properties in the SCENES window hit the plus/minus button second from the top right of the SCENES window. Now check all the boxes. This won’t do anything for the scenes that are no longer useable and the only way I know how to get them back is to recreate them with the ConDocs plan generator. If the case is that you’re going to replace all scenes in your SKP file make a copy of it before you do it JIC. Delete all the scenes and section arrows and purge all unused components from the SKP file. Now recreate your ConDoc plan scenes. As long as they are the same name when you go back to Layout and you didn’t override any of the scene settings in Layout you should just be able to update the reference and your scenes should update.  Before you do that hit the ConDocs Scene Update and Save button in Sketchup. Let me know if that helps

    [email protected]

    Thanks Ruben, I will give it a try!

    Ruben Benitez

    Let me know how it works out

    [email protected]

    Hi Ruben (or Mike),

    So far, so good. I haven’t sent the updated scenes to Layout yet, because there is one other change I’m hoping to make in my elevations.  The project in question is a new garage attached by a hallway to the existing house.  They are separated into New and Existing with Condos tags.  I would like to have the existing structure appear with much lighter line weights, so that the new structure is the focus. Would I need to go into the configurator to adjust those settings? Now quite sure how to go about doing this…




    Ruben Benitez

    Tracy ….. sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately out of the box there isn’t a plan type in the configurator that does this. I prefer this way of displaying new and existing conditions myself, goes back to my board days. Yes, I just dated myself, so I created one for myself. Be more than happy to share it so you can see what I did.

    [email protected]

    That would be great, Ruben, thanks!

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