Untagged Tag Dashed Lines on Reset

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    I’ve built my own custom dynamic components for doors and window that have a 2D graphic that shows the window/door type/operation.  I have the 2D Graphic Tag set as dashed lines and the style I use for elevations shows dashed lines.  However, in ConDoc5, hitting the reset button in the ConDoc system makes the “untagged” Tag dashed lines which turns everything into dashed lines since in entity info items tagged with the condoc system still show as untagged.  Is there a setting where I can turn off this feature so that my exterior elevation sheets still only show the 2D graphic as dashed?  It would be a bummer to have to constantly change the Tag dashes setting back to default.  Thanks!

    Mike Brightman

    Hello Kevin!

    If you choose a different line type for untagged, like solid, it will stick.  ConDoc will not change it.  If it is se to “default”, we force it to dashed.

    Most ConDoc styles disable dashes to give the appearance of solid lines.  When you need dashes, the style enables dashes.  It’s a little backwards, but the best way to use the limited SketchUp vector line types.

    You could also use the “dashed lines” plugin from smustard which works pretty well for line types outside of dashed/hidden.

    You could get real tricky with tags like “2D Graphic_Dashed” and “2D Graphic_Center Line” in the configurator…

    I saw you canceled, guessing you are frustrated…  Let me know if you want to give it another twirl.  I apologize for the delayed responses, I’m slammed with some Lumion videos I’m making this week…


    Thanks Mike – I’m still not sure I understand, so is the dashes checkbox in the styles dialog always disabled for condoc tags even if it is checked?  I tried using one of my styles that has dashed lines checked and the 2D graphics for the windows still aren’t showing up dashed


    Update – I think I got it to work by putting the actual lines on the 2D tag, not the 2D group in the component

    Mike Brightman

    I just worked up a really long explanation but I think I need to do more testing before posting.  Give me a few, possibly til tomorrow.  In short I think you should add some 2D Graphic tags specific to the line types you want.  Then assign those SketchUp tags to the actual lines within the 2D graphic.  I don’t think ConDoc tags will work for line types since that is a direct product of the SketchUp tags.

    Nothing wrong with using a hybrid system like you described…

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