Walls not rendering

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  • #33102
    Travers Ebling

    I have an issue with some CD Construction Plan & Electrical Plans in Layout. Previously both drawings rendered as desired but now the walls are not rendering. The model is updated in LO. Looking at the individual scenes in SU the walls are visible and the layers are selected as ON in the respective scenes – Heavy, – Hatch A, -Heavy 50, – Hatch A respectively.  If selecting the individual scenes in LO, I can again see walls in the respective scenes – Heavy, – Hatch A, etc. It appears as though the ordering or layering of the composite is now such that the walls are being obscured. I used the stock configurator settings, which I believe is where the ordering is controlled. Doing a new export of the Electrical Plan etc also renders a drawing with walls not visible. How can I return proper visibility to these walls in my prior drawing and correct visibility in newly created drawings? Thank you.

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