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Still working! But things are definitely coming together nicely… I want to work out a few more small bugs before we put it out for testing…
The new ConDoc System is infinitely more valuable. Trimmed out the unnecessary information, and now we show the ConDoc tags as LEVEL ELEMENT LOCATION CONDITION. Removed DRAFT mode, replaced DESIGN mode with a reset button. Moved the configurator and open buttons here as well. we also separated out the project information (ie. levels) from the plan generator. Access our tags from the bottom right.
When an entity is selected, you can just click on our ConDoc tags to organize by LEVEL ELEMENT LOCATION CONDITION. It is lightning fast, and so much simpler. No nesting!!! No entity info dropdown!!! No grouping!!! No MOGS! All tag visibility is controlled through the SketchUp tags dialog, so the end result is that it “feels” like you are assigning multiple sketchup tags to one entity. This is a gamechanger!
and it’s all backwards compatible. So you can organize with MOG’s or our new tags and it all works. Magic! Actively working on this now… Standby!