Lost My ConDoc Systems Toolbar

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    Bryan Sieve

    My ConDoc Systems Toolbar is missing on my laptop.  I suspect its a multiple monitors issue since I run ConDoc on two machines.  My primary machine in the office is a workstation set up for CAD with 3 monitors.  When I travel or out of the office I use a Laptop.  For some reason just now on my laptop when loading attempting to load the ConDoc Systems Toolbar it fails to display on my laptop screen.  ConDoc seems to be running fine since I can control it from the Windows Extension menu such as launching the Tags window, or loading drawing sets, plan generators or operating the utilities etc.  I just can’t find the Condoc Systems Toolbar which makes most of these efforts much faster.

    I suspect that ConDoc may be remembering the Systems Toolbar and Configurator window being on another window monitor since the last time I used it was on my office workstation that has 3 screens.  I tried using the Windows utility to reposition off screen applications back on the active screen but to no avail.

    I’m traveling with my laptop and I have deliverables I need to get out.  Running ConDoc from the Windows menu is extremely clunky and slow.

    Thank you for any assistance.


    Bryan Sieve

    Well I solved the problem.  I hooked up my laptop to a port replicator with multiple monitors and opened SU / ConDoc.  And there it was the ConDoc Toolbar and Configurator were on the other screens.  I moved them back to my main laptop screen and saved the SU file closed and reopened.  The now remembered their new home  just on my laptop screen.

    So the lesson here is if using multiple monitors and you use multiple computers with different display configurations make sure you save your SU / ConDoc file so all ConDoc Toolbar and Configurator are saved to the screen you will be using next.

    Brad Bassitt

    Hey there.  I had this same issue and found a true solution it seems.  Thought you might want to know.


    CONDOC Tool bar stuck on external monitor


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