Reply To: Crash on using Plan Generator

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Aaron Maret

Oh man. I’m really striking out over here. I rebuilt my .condoc file from scratch (per our discussion). I was confident that would work after what we tried on our call yesterday. But no luck, still crashed when I tried running Plan Generator.

Then I just returned to the absolute basics. I opened one of the sample files (CONDOC+4_Modern+Garage.skp), and loaded the default V4 .condoc file. I tried running plan generator with this generic setup, and it still crashed.

Finally, I wondered if there was something corrupted in my Sketchup installation from installing ConDoc v4 on top of v3. So I completely removed Sketchup and all associated files from my computer. Did a fresh install. Then tried to install ConDoc v4 via Extension Manager. And THAT crashed Sketchup…

Dead in the water over here…