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Hello Arkadiusz,
Fortunately, the newest version of ConDoc 4.5 will automatically overwrite older versions of ConDoc. All you would need to do is go to your Extension Manager and install the “ConDoc Tools – 4.5.rbz”, then restart SketchUp.
If you wanted to manually delete the ConDoc Folder prior to doing this, it’s totally optional but will not harm anythin. I would delete the whole “ConDoc” folder from your plugins and then follow the above steps (re-install ConDoc 4.5 in SketchUp). This would 100% purge all older versions of ConDoc and drop in the latest folders. All of our reference components, and models are now hosted on the 3D Warehouse; to access these you would just do a general search for “ConDoc 4” in the 3D Warehouse.
Hope that helps,