Reply To: Demolish a Window

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Duncan Cowan

Thanks for the help with this. Just to clarify.

First I put the section of exterior wall I want to demolish for the window on the, wall/exterior wall/demolished layer. Then I create a new window and put that on the new window layer to fill the hole in the exterior wall.

Now I go to the existing/demolished layer to see the model in the “as built” state, and go to the existing/new layer to see the model in the renovation state.

The problem is that when I go to the existing/demolished layer, there is a hole in the wall for that demolished window. Can that hole be filled with more new wall on the new wall layer?

I demolished the old window and added new wall to fill the hole, some of the new wall needs to be demolished to fit the new window, and there seems to be conflict.

When you say “existing conditions model” and “proposed conditions model” do you mean you copy the whole new model to make a proposed conditions model or do you mean the proposed condition state of the same model?

The virtual merge works very well!