Reply To: Wall Openings not Appearing in Layout

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Josh Burnham

Hi Mike,

1st issue fixed: the windows’ 2D graphics were showing up, and also for any doors, but the wall openings appeared as a solid wall in 2D. I misunderstood the section planes. Once I investigated the scene further and put the right ones in the right place it corrected everything.

2nd Issue: I tried removing the surface for the column’s 2D graphic. I think it needs to be in there to show above the brick veneer on the edge of the porch, so I put it back in there. I have the brick in an exterior-wall-tagged group. I just need to figure out how to get the columns to appear above it. In the configurator I tried changing columns to be in the higher-stacked Light viewport as you mentioned, but still getting the effect in the attached image.

Thanks for your help!