Reply To: Is CondocTools fit for fitted cabinets production plans?

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[email protected]

Hi Sekar and Mike,

First, thank you Sekar for your reply. It’s a relief to hear that detailed cabinet plans can be produced with CondocTools. This gives me new energy to continue investigating. If you have some concrete hints on how best to start my journey, they would be very welcome 😉

Thanks also to you Mike. I’m impatient to learn more about the kitchen production drawings; that should be of great help. Any idea already on a timing?

Concretely, the main hurdle I’m currently encountering is the following:

  • I’d like to produce several detail plans of cabinets that are all on the same building level (potentially several plan views per cabinet at different heights). Using the current plan view seems to only generate one SU scene name per (building) level. Thus, when generating subsequent plans, the same scene name is used. It’s difficult to keep an overview in Sketchup and, when exporting to Layout, all these different scenes then seem to get mixed into the same scrapbook page, which is not too practical.
  • Ideally, I’d also like to be able to have the name of the scene to be configurable for each individual cabinet (i.e. not precoded in the drawing set).  Alternatively, a sequence number should do too, but as the cabinet detail plans often look quite similar, I expect errors to happen if I have to name/reference them in Layout, based on a generic scene name.

Thanks for your support!
