5.0 Matching CAD Elevation Camera position with Primary and Shadow Scene

00_Home 00_Pro Forum ConDoc 5 5.0 Matching CAD Elevation Camera position with Primary and Shadow Scene

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  • #33980
    Steve DiGi

    Trying to re orient camera angles on created scenes. How do I Update camera positions across multiple scenes so they stack right in Layout?

    I remember a Tutorial for Condoc 4? with the ADU showing how to reposition the Camera position per scene but can’t find it….Not sure if this video would answer my question.


    I appreciate you all. I’m really enjoying Condoc Tools! Thank you, Mike.



    Mike Brightman

    Hello Steve!  You just need to be sure that you are updating all cameras/scenes for drawings with multiple scenes/stacked viewports.  Here’s the steps…

    1. Activate the heavy plan scene
    2. zoom in to the desired camera view, be careful not to orbit
    3. In the Scenes dialog, hold ctrl (option on mac) to select all of the scenes associated with the drawing.  plans typically have 4 scenes; heavy, light, hatch A, hatch B
    4. click the update button at the top of the Scenes dialog (two little arrows chasing in a circle)
    5. Uncheck everything except “Camera Location”
    6. click save/okay

    It’s no problem to update scenes, but just don’t change the names…  Let me know if that solves it!

    Steve DiGi

    Hey Mike!

    Thank you so much!

    Forgive me for taking so long to respond. I pushed through with a work around.

    Now, I’m on to the next project and here I am!

    Your solution works! Its so obvious now! I appreciate you taking the time to respond and for developing Condoc Tools. I’m really digging it!

    Thank you!

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