Animation Transitions

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  • #34653
    [email protected]

    Hi! I feel like I am missing something very obvious, but I have been trying to troubleshoot this all day; I am trying to create a simple animation that transitions between scenes for a client using the color interior perspective scenes I created with condoc. I have turned “enable scene transitions” back on, but there are no transitions between these scenes. When I create a new scene without using condoc, those scenes will transition. Is it impossible to transition between scenes I created with condoc? I understand not having scene transitions on when you’re working, but it’s very helpful to create animations like this for my clients to essentially be able to pause at any moment between scenes to examine. Any help here would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Mike Brightman

    Weird! I noticed that once and figured it was a SketchUp bug. It looks like you are right, scenes created by ConDoc won’t animate. We will look into that…
    In the meantime, you can just click on the ConDoc Perspective scene, then add a new scene. It appears that the duplicate scenes will animate. Sorry it’s a little janky solution, but let me know if that solves it…

    Ruben Benitez

    Mike ….. it’s the same issue as creating a scene in Sketchup when items are ConDoc tagged and you try to use that scene on a machine without ConDocs.  Native Sketchup doesn’t know how to deal with items that have multiple tags assigned

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