I want to upgrade my monitor so I have more working landscape working in Sketchup. I’ve been working with a 22″ Dell. With the default tool tray and the ConDoc System tray on top, my work space is crowded. I do have a 2nd monitor, and I can drag them onto that monitor, but then that limits the usefulness of the 2nd monitor if I want to display something like a PDF of some architectural drawings for reference. So, been looking at 4K monitors, but not sure if that’s a good idea with Sketchup 19 Pro. I’ve seen some postings suggesting there are issues with 4K. Trying to do my due diligence in upgrading. I’m willing to spend real money for a really nice monitor, but want to make sure I’m not wading into a trap with limitations of Sketchup to handle the sexier technology. Anyone have clear thoughts on this?