ConDoc 5 Change Over

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  • #33850
    [email protected]

    I would like to update to ConDoc 5 but I am in the final stages of a project and I use draft mode for my details. Is there a way to get to the elements in draft mode after I update? I am so used to draft mode (similarities to Autocad) versus the detail drawing in Layout and I have not yet made the change. It would help if Layout had a more robust set of tools. It’s the old dog new tricks kind of thing.



    Gregory Sarver

    In LayOut, I have begun the process of creating some robust scrapbooks for sections and detailing. With the introduction of scales to scrapbook elements, it’s a game changer. I plan to build out typical wall sections as well, so ideally wall sections and details can be drag and drop. The layout tools may seem a little slow, but being able to organize in scrapbooks makes it very efficient. Overall, using those tools will remove the ‘drafting’ element and turn it into something much more efficient, saving repeat efforts for each project.

    I hope that all makes sense…it was a little confusing for me at first too, but once I got the hang of creating scaled scrapbook elements, the light bulb went on about how I could use them…


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