ConDoc 5 Level Tags Get Purged

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    Ruben Benitez

    When I “purge unused” Sketchup will purge my ConDoc Tools 5.0 level tags created from the ConDoc Tools 5.0 project setup button. Am I missing something or doing something wrong?

    Mike Brightman

    Hello Ruben!  Unfortunately the full purge can cause a little trouble.  I suggest only purging directly from the components and styles dialog.  Don’t purge tags/layers.  Since we aren’t actually applying SketchUp Tags to geometry, ConDoc tags will be purged.  They come back when you run a tool, but the levels won’t come back until you run the project setup again.  So to fix, just run project setup, LEVEL tags will pop back in!  If you don’t have the LEVEL tags there can be strange behavior where all tags and objects are disappearing.

    Beware, if you have purged the tags this can mess up scenes previously created by ConDoc… Since the default behavior of “new” SketchUp tags is to be visible in all existing scenes.

    We are baking in a fix for this that will allow full purging.

    Ruben Benitez

    Mike ……. thanks for the quick response!!!! You touched on another issue I just discovered after discovering that my Levels were gone the “purge all” screwed all my scene tag setting up. So now I know

    Mike Brightman

    Here’s an early release that should take care of this issue…  Please download and discuss here…

    Gregory Sarver

    Speaking of tags…when you set up the project info (levels, floor heights) and hit save, are there supposed to be LEVEL_ tags generated in the condoc tools tag folder, or is that a manual operation? I think that’s been causing some weirdness in my models. When I set up project no LEVEL_ tags are in the ConDoc Tools tag folder in Sketchup. I have been adding those manually, but now I’m having doubts about that…

    Mike Brightman

    Hello Greg!  The level tags are added when you run any of the tools…  I think?  Definitely when you run the plan generator.

    Gregory Sarver

    Thanks Mike…I think I had a problem with my (custom) ConDoc drawing set. Not sure what it was, but loaded the ARCHITECT drawing set and levels showed up and worked.

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