Condoc Configurator Default Layers issue?

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    Today I was working on my dads garage level and finally got all the groups set.

    • Went to open Condoc drawing set: Loaded ConDoc Pro_Architect SU2019 SU2020
    • Went to Condoc plan generator. Set my finished floor height and selected my foundation and relevant drawings.
    • Clicked setup project.
    • Watched all the scenes load. Then I started clicking through them and noticed there was nothing on the CD_Foundation Plan until I got to CD_Foundation Plan 01 – Dashed which was actually straight lines but I rectified that by changing the untagged tag to dashes as I know that is an issue.
    • I started looking through each scene and looking at the layers and noticed that the Element_Foundation Layers were not on besides CD_Foundation Plane 01 – dashed.
    • I went into the Condoc Configurator, went to the foundation column and clicked on the settings (gear icon) for each.
    • I analyzed the visible layers for each (Light, Heavy, Hatch A, Dashed) and I found the foundation element was left out of each Light, Heavy, and Hatch A.
    • I turned on the laters for each, deleted the previous foundation scenes and re-ran the plan generator and it worked.

    I thought maybe hmm. Maybe it is my model. I went into SU, started a new drawing and built a very quick 1 level house with mog tool. Ran the generator and I had the same issue. Then I knew there has to be an issue with the condoc file. I did not modify if it in any way so I am wondering if  I am using the correct drawing set? “ConDoc Pro_Architect – SU2019 SU2020.

    If I am, can I kindly have ConDco Pro file that is correct with the columns properly built and ensure I am using the latest file?

    Thank you in advance!

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