Condoc plan generator opening wrong layers for foundation scenes

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    I’ve been struggling with the plan generator not creating usable scenes in some cases, particularly for the foundation. I’m working on a two story house with foundation. I set up the plan generator for two floors and a basement. It does create Level 00, Level 01 and Level 02. When I examine the open layers in the foundation scene, the foundation layer is turned off and the window layer is turned on. I do have the right groups on the right level. It seems there’s a glitch in the plan generator, or I’m missing something. For simplicity in diagnosing what’s going on, I’ve been asking for just a foundation plan. What it creates for scenes is five scenes for Foundation Plan 00, and five scenes for Foundation Plan 01. For each group, there’s two (2) Foundation Plan -Light. There’s one each of Heavy, Hatch A and Dashed. Getting confused and discouraged here. HELP

    Mike Brightman

    Sounds like you’re doing everything correctly, but one thing I would suggest is to try and run the Plan Generator with just a Level 01 and Level 02 – disregard Level 00 as this would only be used if you have full sub-level floor represented as opposed to a foundation plan. Our scenes will automatically account for the depth of any ‘ELEMENT – Foundation” geometry.

    Also, be sure you have the appropriate drawing set loaded up before you run your scenes. This can cause issues with certain items not being represented correctly.

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