Custom Perspective Viewport Properties / Custom Style Question

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  • #23915
    Kevin Baker


    I am having trouble with setting up a custom interior perspective in the condoc configurator.  When try to adjust the style in the viewport properties it doesn’t seem to render the perspective scene in that selected style when using the perspective button on the condoc tool bar.  I have made sure to save the custom perspective in our own custom drawing set file.  For some reason it doesn’t want to show the correct style for the custom perspective scene.  I also seem to get duplicate styles in the style drop down in the viewport properties dialog box.  I have also noticed when I look at the style for the perspective scene created it hasn’t selected the style that was chosen in the condoc configurator.  Strange.  Some custom plan, section and elevation views work while others don’t.  I am guessing I must have a setting not correctly set? Any info would be great.



    Mike Brightman

    Hello Kevin,

    Will do my best to answer as it’s difficult to understand the issue without seeing a screenshot or screen-share. ConDoc will adjust styles automatically by simply clicking the “Perspective” tool, and clicking once – it will then prompt you for “Interior” or “Exterior”. You can always adjust how the scene appears, including the shadows, line styles, etc, but the major thing you would want to do after you find an appearance that you like is to update the scene you have selected. You can do so by right-clicking on the scene name in the default tray and ONLY select the “Styles” as the main property you want to update. This may then prompt you if you want the style update to apply to the scene or to overwrite the “Perspective” style in SketchUp. Either is fine, but note that overwriting the “Perspective” style may effect your other scenes you create.

    Hopefully this was helpful. If you would like, we do offer a 1-hour Helpline where we can take a look at your project and help in real-time.

    Let us know what you think. Thanks!

    Kevin Baker



    Thanks for getting back to me.  I want to make sure I get this right as it will be a standard drawing for us so a 1 hour helpline and a screen share would definitely be worth it.   Let me know if a day and time works and looking forward to your help.


    Thanks again,


    Kevin Baker

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