I am having trouble with figuring out the workflow when making changes / adding items to a model nested via the Level/Element/Location/Condition protocol.
For instance:
The model has an existing wall with a window that will be replaced with a door.
The Wall with window opening is Level1/Walls/Exterior/Existing. The Wall with door opening will be Level1/Walls/Exterior/New. There will also be a group inhabiting Level1/Walls/Exterior/Demo
I have modeled the wall with door opening insitu as a LayerO group. I would then like to cut & paste in place at the appropriate nesting layer.
I select and click thru the nested layers Level1/Walls/Exterior and paste the LayerO group (wall with door opening) into the model. It is now a LayerO group, do I assign it Condition NEW at this point or should I have assigned it as Condition NEW prior to the cut & paste step. Or are both strategies essentially the same?
How do you suggest remaining oriented when performing these operations? I observe the nesting states within the Model Level Navigator but with a couple of attempts at the above I find I’m still having uncertainty about the best approach.
Thank you.