I’m doing a renovation project. I geolocated the property, tuned it up with Placemaker. Looks great. I placed my model on the footprint. After doing demolition and some new construction, I thought I’d run the plan generator and then export to layout. What I did not anticipate was that by placing the model on the map footprint, I rotated it off axis, so in layout it’s skewed at almost a 45 degree angle. I can guess how to fix this….maybe skew the axis in Sketchup to align with building. But that doesn’t seem precise enough. Could use some guidance.
I did figure out that setting the axis to align with the model works, but once I leave the main view in Sketchup, the axis reverts to the original non-aligned view. So, I can run the plan generator while the axis is oriented to the model and the drawings in Layout align correctly to the page, but if I want to do any revisions, I have to re-set the axis every time. Seems like that shouldn’t be necessary.
I have had a similar issue… what I seem to not be able to do is rotate the axis (I can do that) but my scenes seem to revert back to the original non-aligned view… what I was thinking was that I could make a scene WITH the correct angle in such a way that I can successfully have aligned correctly scenes… like elevations, sections etc…
any insights on this?
and I am on a Mac… as that seems to make a difference..