Hatch drawings not displaying in Layout

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  • #34741
    Jim Wright

    I’ve run into a problem regarding the Renovation Construction Drawings not displaying correctly. When I send on of these drawings to a Layout drawing using the ConDoc export, it shows correctly in the ConDoc Drawing sketchbook, but when I drag it onto the drawing and do a Render after making sure the Reference Drawing is up to date, Hatch A disappears and Hatch B shows a hatch in areas such as windows. I’ve played with moving the Section Plane with no improvements. I’ve tried a test of bringing the drawing into a new drawing with the same results.

    I’m hoping someone has a simple solution for this since I’m in the final stages of trying to get a drawing set out.


    Mike Brightman

    Hello Jim!  Are you on SketchUp 2024 with ConDoc 5.2?  Can you send the files to me, [email protected]

    Jim Wright

    Yes Mike, I am. I think I fixed the problem by turning off the SU beta graphic engine. Everything seems to working properly now. It was bazaar, with Hatch B display both the diagonal lines from the style plus rigid insulation style that came from nowhere when it came into Layout.  Hatch A didn’t  come through at all.

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