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    Three weeks ago I installed Condoc System, followed the tutorials and started working with it . I got really nice elevation drawings, but  plan views were a problem, see my earlier posts. Deleting some old scenes first seemed to help, but now not anymore. Section drawings in the meantime have become more difficult too. Today I reinstalled the extension, but that made no difference.
    It looks  as if my project develops  something like an ‘allergic’  reaction to the Condoc System. Of course I don’t believe in such human behaviour, but what could be the cause? It must be something in the model guess, though it is well organised.  I have saved different stages of the modeling process, and all have the same problem with Condoc Lt.

    Mike Brightman

    I can’t think of any reason that existing scenes would cause any problem at all?

    What other plugins do you have installed?  Skalp conflicts by hijacking the SketchUp section plane tool, disable that if you have it.

    Make sure you check the “don’t show this again” if you are getting a pop up when creating a section scene.

    Have you modified the original ConDoc LT drawing set using the configurator?


    Hi Mike,
    I have disabled the few extensions that  I have (advanced camera tools and sandbox tools), so they are not the problem. I don’t get pop ups and I did not yet use the configurator.
    Actually I am working again on 2 projects that I started on Sketchup  2015, but that should  be no problem and they are well organised, but quite detailed. Can’t really imagine that that should be a problem, but a very simple model with just two stories works well, there I get good plan views. So the problem seems to sit in the bigger more detailed projects.


    I would be very happy to know what exactly causes these problems in the model. I ‘m sure your team can find out, so can you let me know what would be the cost of the examination when I send you the model?

    Mike Brightman

    you need to enable advanced camera tools.  let me know if that fixes it…

    I am 99% sure that the model is not the issue that is jamming up the tools working.



    Advanced cameratools are enabled again, I had just disabled it to test. So no difference.


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