Hidden Tags in SU Scenes showing up in Layout

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  • #34027
    [email protected]

    I have everything in my model tagged with the new ConDoc 5 tagging system and when I cycle through the scenes in SU the visibility is correct but in Layout there is recently added/revised geometry that is showing up in all viewports.  I notice that when I cycle through scenes in SU the elements that are showing in all layout viewports flashes visible for a second when I first click the scene but then turns off.  I’ve tried untagging/retagging those elements but nothing is working.  I’ve made sure the viewports in Layout are all reset with now changes there.  HELP!

    Mike Brightman

    Hello Kevin!  Are you using the “Scene update and save” button on the ConDoc toolbar?

    [email protected]

    Thanks Mike!  I had forgotten about needing to push that button instead of a standard save.  Also, just FYI – I have the “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” checked but I am not receiving those emails.  Thanks again for the help!

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