Image displayed changes in Layout upon resizing

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  • #25719
    Jonathan Dupree

    When I drop my roof plan into layout from the ConDoc Drawings scrapbook, it looks great, but is clipped.  When I resize the view window, then the linework of the roof plan changes.  On the right is what comes in from the scrap book (notice dashed walls below and very light porch stairs beyond).  On the left is what it looks like after resizing the view window (notice dashed lines missing, stairs are bolder).  Anybody else have this problem or know the solution?  Thanks!

    Mike Brightman

    Hello Jonathan!  I think I know what is happening. Try updating the reference in LayOut before you drag and drop the ConDoc Drawing scrapbook…

    I am guessing this is what happened…

    • you ran plan generator to create construction plan, or really any series of condoc drawings
    • you ran the condoc export
    • drag and drop drawing scrapbooks into layout
    • aha!  realize you forgot to create a roof plan so you go back to sketchup and run the plan generator again to create the roof plan
    • run condoc export
    • drag and drop condoc drawing scrapbook of roof plan, resize, and everything changes!?

    Why did the scenes change?  Because you added scenes to the sketchup model, saved it to export, but didn’t update the reference in layout.  when you drag and drop the drawing, the reference file is the same path that is already part of your presentation.  LayOut doesn’t reload the reference for you, it just uses the older version of the sketchup model that you dragged in with the construction plan.  When you stretch the viewport it needs to render again, and since those scenes the viewports are attached to don’t exist, it reverts most likely to the first scene “DESIGN”.  If you update your references before dragging the new roof plan in, those new roof plan scenes will exist in the sketchup reference model attached to your layout presentation.  scale it around and everything will work perfectly!

    short answer.  always update your references before dragging and dropping condoc drawing scrapbooks!

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