layer State Buttons – not showing

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  • #23966
    Luke Mackley


    I have just loaded Condoc 4.5.

    The layer state buttons are not showing. In the condoc system I have clicked the design button and have all the layers showing – but no buttons???

    How to show the buttons?

    Mike Brightman

    Hello Luke,

    Was this the first time you loaded and opened up ConDoc 4.5 on this machine? Did restarting help?

    You may also try removing ConDoc from the extensions list, and re-installing. ConDoc should open up when you go to Window>Extensions>ConDoc>ConDoc System.

    Do your other tools/plugins work ok?

    Luke Mackley

    Hi Luke,

    Thanks for the reply. Yes I have restarted sketches a few times.

    I see I can load the layer state button from the components warehouse. So is this what I need to do every time I start a new template? I just thought is would be automatic every time you load a drawing set like Architect?



    Mike Brightman

    Hello Luke,

    Just to clarify, you would not need to load anything when you open up SketchUp; maybe you’re confusing the ConDoc System heads-up display with the Model Organization Guides (which are components on the 3D Warehouse)?

    The ConDoc System heads-up display would need to be opened manually every time you start SketchUp, as it is only accessible through Window>Extensions>ConDoc>ConDoc System.

    If you would like to customize what would be your “ConDoc Default Template” in 4.5, you could easily download the Architectural Model Organization Guide into your untitled SU file, place it off to the side and then go to File>Save As Template, make sure “use as default” is selected at the bottom – give it a name you prefer – this will save to your local machine SU directory. Then when you start any new file, you will have the MOG present to begin your projects.

    Let me know if that helps.

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