Layout Crashing/Files Missing

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  • #34179
    [email protected]

    Hi Mike, I have had a full set of Layout construction drawings fall apart – all of my drawings exported from Condoc are gone and replaced with gray/black boxes and X’s, including the “non-condoc” ones, such as all my window/door schedules, etc. I have been a wreck as to I missed a deadline for permit submission, having to basically redo everything as re-inserting my drawings messed up most of the dimensions as well. Also, my Condoc drawings no longer are exporting properly to Layout. I thought this may have something to do with the Sketchup 2023 update I just did last week, and have been on the phone and file/screen sharing with Skethcup support and they have been able to repair or diagnose the issue (deciding basically it must be related to Condoc.) I did see on one thread a beta update but unsure how to implement this on my mac, or if it will even help my situation. Please help!!

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