Layout warning yellow triangle

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  • #34487
    [email protected]

    Since loading condoc 5.1 on to. SketchUp having issues with layout and getting tags to function properly.

    other SketchUp files don’t work in layout either.

    Mac book pro intel chip 2019

    what is wrong?

    condoc ruined SketchUp?

    Mike Brightman

    Hello John!  I can assure you that ConDoc did not ruin SketchUp lol!

    Are you hitting the scene update and save button? It’s on the ConDoc tools bar … Then reload in layout…  That seems to be over looked by many.

    The yellow triangles just indicate that the viewport has not been rendered.  Right click on the background and choose render models on page.

    Let me know if that helps!


    [email protected]

    Latest version please,thanks JR

    [email protected]

    Major problems with condoc

    simple model to learn and it does not work, save button goes grey and freezes, then missing parts, does not save

    there are lots of screens, so hard to get a preview without going to scrapbooks, but that does not work

    also are condos tabs compatible to TWINMOTION? Does seems to give layers in TM

    can i send a file?  Or screen shot?

    Thanks, sorry regards JR

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

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