Model not showing up in scenes

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  • #34524
    John Shank

    So I have the newest version of condoc.  I imported a model of one of my sheds.  I had the ‘architect’ drawing set active.  I then clicked on the tag icon and started going through the model.  The shed model came in and I had to edit it as if it were a component and that didn’t really work when I tried to click on the various elements of the model and click the corresponding tag.  So I ‘exploded’ the model and that really wasn’t the best thing to do either but I was able to click on the individual elements and then ‘tag’ them.  Then after clicking on all the elements and having them tagged, I clicked on the plan generator and picked the various plans I wanted to be generated.  Once the corresponding scenes were generated, they had nothing in them.  They were all blank.  I have had this problem before so I am not sure what I’m doing wrong.  Then the other issue I had was since my model was not showing up anywhere, I clicked on the ‘reset’ button and my model still did not appear anywhere.

    Thanks for any feedback you can give me.

    Ruben Benitez

    Did you generate scenes before or after you tagged the model. Tagging components individually is the way to go. Noo need tp play the shell game with ConDoc 5 that only makes things more difficult

    John Shank

    I did generate the scenes after tagging the model.  I think the problem was not hitting the all off button before doing so and that worked for me when working on another model.  Thanks Ruben.

    Mike Brightman

    Sorry for the hassle and confusion!  When this happens to me I find that running the project setup does the trick.  This adds in the LEVEL tags…  Then assign LEVEL tags.  Also, don’t forget about the “scene update and save” button.  ConDoc tags are hijacking the hide command, so if you assign tags after creating scenes, you need to remind the scenes which entities are hidden/visible.  All you have to do is hit the “scene update and save” button on the condoc toolbar…

    John Shank

    Got it Mike thank you!

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