One Model or Multiple

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  • #34111
    [email protected]

    Hi Mike – With ConDoc do you usually create all your drawings from one Sketchup model?  In the past I’ve had one main building model for floor plans, roof plans, and electric plans and then different models importing main model as a component for the site, sections, interior elevations, and RCP’s.  I’m trying out doing it all in one model it took 92 scenes to create all of the drawings and SU seems to be slowing down quite a bit with that many scenes.  I’m curious how many scenes you typically generate on a custom residential project.  Thanks

    Mike Brightman

    Hello Kevin!  I always keep all scenes in one model.  I find opening other models and updating component references to be time consuming and opens opportunities for error.  Scenes shouldn’t be weighing down your model…  My last project had around 300 scenes, I stopped counting as I approached 200.  When do you notice the decrease in performance?  Are you using the scene search functionality?

    [email protected]

    Hi Mike – thanks for the reply!  I can’t pinpoint exactly when the slow down happens or what is causing it yet – it just seems like everything is working decent for a while and then the model just slows down and there is a delay when tagging elements and a big delay when pushing the reset button.  I’ll let you know if there are other things I notice

    Mike Brightman

    Can you send me the model?  I might take a quick look to see how it performs on my machine… and if I spot any major whammies…

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    OK-I sent it to you via Dropbox Transfer.  Let me know if you don’t get it.  It seems particularly slow when resetting or when toggling the ALL ON, ALL OFF.  I’m curious – do you also have all of your geolocated site info in the same model?  A lot of times the house orientation on the site is off axes so it gets tricky with setting up scenes, etc.

    Can you also try sending a drawing to Layout in SU 2023 and see if it crashes for you as well?  Do you think windows is a better platform for running Sketchup and Layout as long as you have a good processor?  I have a $6,000 Mac and Layout is painfully slow.  I’ve heard a few other places that windows machines are smoother but curious what your thoughts are on that as well.  Thanks Mike!

    Mike Brightman

    Got it!  Can you send over the custom drawing set too?

    Gregory Sarver

    I got a new Mac Studio this year with the M1 chip. this has boosted LayOut’s performance a bunch since the single core performance is so much better than my old iMac with an Intel chip. Someday, Trimble will make SU/LO optimized for multi-core processing. That will be a glorious day…

    I really need to try out hundreds of scenes in SU…I always cop out and use a referenced base model for different drawing types.


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