Plan Generator Issue

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  • #27323
    Ruben Benitez

    Still using ConDoc Tools 4.0 and Sketchup 2019. I’m trying to generate a roof plan. This is two story box with a single slope roof over the 2nd floor. I’m using Levels 01 and 02. My roof resides in Level 02/Roof/Exterior/New. When I generate my roof plan I use 2 levels with the first level at 0″ and the second level at 111.75″ (97″ plate height, 14″ floor joist and 3/4″ subfloor. When the scenes are generated it’s cutting a section of my walls at level 01 in one scene and showing Level 02 as an overhead shot for the roof. This is incorrect and the walls in section should be from Level 02 as they are directly below this roof. No matter what I do with levels in the generator I can’t get it to cut my wall section from Level 02. When I generate roof framing it cuts the appropriate walls. Is this a hard code issue? Am I missing something?


    Mike Brightman

    Hello Ruben!

    Just to clear an easy issue out of the way…  Be sure you are using the ConDoc PRO drawing set, not LT.

    The Roof Plan creates three scenes stacked in this order…

    Dashed – ground level walls cut with a section at 4′ above finished floor.

    Heavy – Top view of all levels and roofs

    Light – overall site grayed out, earth, hard surfaces, and context.  this is optional.

    After you run the plan generator, you can move the active section plane for the dashed scene to include more levels or walls.  Another option…  Create another scene manually that is only the second floor walls dashed.  Then stack it manually after you run the ConDoc export.

    The different behavior for the Roof Plan is possible in the Configurator drawing settings.  The “Use Levels” option is set to None.  This means that the Plan Generator will only create one Roof Plan, rather than a Roof Plan for every level.  You might experiment with setting this to “All”.  You might find that you can export out all of your Roof Plans and composite them faster than manually creating the scenes.

    Let me know if this helps!


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