Question on Grouped objects and condoc

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    [email protected]

    Hello everyone, I just started using condoc and I have to thank Michael and the team for doing an amazing job and for all the hard work to make all this possible.

    Like most I started with SKFP (extended) which then lead me to alot of youtube videos on Brightman Designs channel. I have watched all the tutorials and really dug deep into sktechup. I also went through all the information listed in online help area. I have a few key questions.

    I understand how the MOG system works however I am confused on one aspect:

    – let’s say I have an existing model and it has groups within groups. For simplicity lets take a foundation for example. In that group I have drawn my footings which contain lines, edges and surfaces. I then grouped those items and prior to conduct I would put them on layer “01-Foundation”. So now I am in condoc and I want to re-arrange my model. So I build from template, import my model which brings in the foundation layer, then I load the condoc architect set, turn on thr condoc system hud and click design, then plan generator. Then I import the MOG that I saved to a temp folder. Now I have my MOG and existing model foundation. Now if I just select my entire foundation, edit, cut and then drill down in MOG, foundation, new and then edit, paste in place will this re-assign the group or do I need to go to my foundation, explode it until there are no groups I had previously made, then re-group and follow the cut, paste in place to MOG procedure?

    Next I am unclear about starting conduct the correct way. For example.

    I noticed when starting with a condoc template (sketch up not layout), I have that all on, off, 45 degree axis rotation and populated scenes. So there are a few questions within questions. Such as do we even need the old drawing template (it used design layers) or do we just fire up sketchup with a default template, then open the condoc system, select our building set (my case is 2019-2020 architect), then import the MOG then hit plan generator?

    Just not sure what the order is. And simple step by step written instruction how the correct series of steps for 2020 would be helpful and strategic for what I am working on. I know you go that one Mike. It’s burned into my mind. I build liquid cooled PCs and just an fyi the 3090 GPU rips through the rendering in Lumion and has zero issues punching through sketchup. I am running a 10900k overclocked to 5.2ghz stable and 128 gb of ram 😎


    Thank you in advance

    Mike Brightman

    Thanks for the positive feedback!

    First issue…  as long as you are within the LEVEL/ELEMENT/LOCATION/CONDITION…  You can add as many groups within the CONDITION container as you like.  Whenever I need to rebuild a model, I start a new SketchUp file, archive the original, then cut and paste in place in the new file, in the MOG’s.  This should cut down on the amount of non-ConDoc layers you are bringing over.

    Also, you don’t need that old default template.  In the install tutorials I show how I create my template.  I like to just have the 2d Graphic and 3D object layers in there…  Those apply to any SketchUp/ConDoc project.  Other than that, feel free to add some other Utility Scenes.  I usually add one for Lumion, or another Work scene that isolates the architecture.  You could have a site one…  but they don’t necessarily need to be in your template.

    Once you load the ConDoc PRO Architect 2020 drawing set…  That is now your default drawing set.  It will load everytime you open SketchUp.  So the steps are…

    1. start a new file
    2. insert MOG from 3d warehouse, or your temp folder
    3. add geometry to the correct MOG tile/group.
    4. run the plan generator when you need the level layers, or know the answer to how many levels it will be.  Nothing wrong with re-running later if needed, the LEVEL layers will not be disrupted.

    I will add to my list an overview of the process.  I just wrapped up a huge renovation project, recorded the entire thing.  I think it will help a lot!  Watch for that on our youtube channel.

    I assumed the 3090 would be sawweeeet!  I am still on the 2080ti, so the performance jump doesn’t quite justify the cost right now.  Will keep an eye on it!

    Let me know if this is helping or hurting…  Thanks for your support!

    [email protected]


    Thank you for the prompt response and clarification. I purchased your book 2nd edition (kindle so I can get a jump on it before the hardcover arrives). I like having hard copies of books in my office for reference just like my codebooks (NFPA-70, 72, 101, IBC etc). A little background: I own a fire alarm contracting business in the Northeast where I perform Design, Install, Service, Monitoring and Inspections. I hold a Nicet IV in fire alarm systems and I design code-compliant fire alarm systems for a few MEP firms, EC’s, Architects & Integrators both locally and throughout the country. I took AutoCAD MEP and built my set of fire alarm devices (dynamic intelligent blocks) and built auto calculating sheets to perform accurate voltage drop calcs and have info then populate an excel sheet I pre-formatted to get batt calcs going. When I saw your product for SketchUp I immediately saw the value in automation. My application will be to show clients and AHJ’s proposed fire alarm device placement (actual renderings) and how a white notification device can blend seamlessly into their building as opposed to a device that is red. If you ever need a fire alarm designer I am probably taking SketchUp much further than I need however I want to ready to go in case some consultants start requesting 3d plans. So if you ever need a fire alarm designer who goes above and beyond, let me know I can send over some sample FA drawings. My father wants to build a new garage and I used Sketchup and Lumion to really drive the look home and I am trying to use the Condoc way to make the process more streamlined.

    Back on track. The two chapters I have found the most helpful are chapters 16 and 17 in your book specifically where figure 17.35 begins. This is where the light bulb clicked. The series of steps outlined in Layering and Organization is critical. I just fired up SketchUp, brought in the MOG tool and just did an exterior wall perimeter, punched a hole for a door, and did the same for an interior wall. Grouped the exterior wall and assigned it to “Location_Exterior, Did the same for interior walls (“Location_Interior”). Then selected both groups of walls (interior and exterior) and made that a group and assigned it to the “Element_Walls” layer. Then drilled into each group individually and assigned each to the respective Condition_ layers. I tested this by during off each respective layer (tag) and watch as the MOG tool turned off the “switches” By the way the series of switches explained in your book and resources on the site are excellent. After doing the procedure above the almost traditional way ( I brought in the MOG tool to quickly make the layers and test functionality) I now understand how the MOG tool is going to save a tremendous amount of time and will always ensure you are in the correct “Container”. For me to gain a complete understanding was the combination of taking the SKFP course, watching the Condoc tutorials and the missing ingredient for me was the book (2nd edition) and I found this out by going to the  Pro Resources, Learn, Knowledge Base, and going through all the information.

    I definitely look forward to the YouTube renovation project and will check it out when available for sure.

    As for the GPU, I had an EVGA 2080Ti Ultra completely water-cooled EKWB blocks (custom loop). The 3080 has less VRAM than the 2080Ti so that is really not ideal especially in Photoshop, AfterEffects, & Lumion but the 3090 with that 24GB of VRAM really gets put the work and it’s a substantial difference. I managed to grab an Asus Tuf 3090 on Newegg Business at retail because there was no way I was paying scalper prices. I happened to be there looking for higher capacity NVME M.2 drives and for giggles, I typed in 3090 and was able to add it to the cart and check out. I was shocked. I am still awaiting the block from EKWB for it so right now it’s on Air which I am actually impressed with how well it does with temps on air. Never see more than 70c. I have two builds and this one is sitting in a ThermalTake View 91 Case and I did a two-loop system and piped in all the hard tubes for the CPU which is under water. I hoping for a 60C temp on the GPU and then I can start overclocking it a bit.

    Anyway, thank you Michael for the information!

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