Reply To: CONDOC Export not sending docs to Layout. No CONDOC Drawing Set available.

00_Home 00_Pro Forum ConDoc 5 CONDOC Export not sending docs to Layout. No CONDOC Drawing Set available. Reply To: CONDOC Export not sending docs to Layout. No CONDOC Drawing Set available.

Mike Brightman

Hello Doug!

Sounds like you may have worked this out.  Given the info, not sure what the issue is.  A few comments…

  • make sure you load the ConDoc PRO drawing set before exporting, or whichever drawing set you used to create the SketchUp scenes.
  • When you run the ConDoc Export, a new scrapbook file is created that overwrites the existing “ConDoc Drawings” scrapbook.
  • if you are seeing a backup file, you must have edited the scrapbook.  No need to do that.  Just drag and drop drawing from the ConDoc Drawings scrapbook to a new layout file.

let me know if you are still stuck, happy to help!
