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Thanks for sharing! First thing I noticed is your rendering resolution is set to medium. This renders all raster viewports at 150ppi. You should set this to low so raster viewports render at 96ppi. That will take some weight off your graphics card. The document setup settings travel with your file…
Also… I ran SketchUp’s free material resizer extension to knock down some of the large images embedded in the model. Maybe you need them for vray, but usually you don’t need texture images over 512.
As far as I can tell you are using the latest vector dashed styles. I think it’s just a combination of a heavy model (my version is only 69mb) and unnecessary render quality in layout.
In the LayOut file you sent, there are a lot of stacked viewports for one drawing. Not sure if they are all necessary, maybe you consolidate some of those viewports?
I opened your file, and sure enough when I stretched the viewport it crashed. After my cleanup it doesn’t. Here’s my file… DOWNLOAD
Let me know if that helps!