Greetings! Love the CONDOC TOOLS program, and was hoping I could get some assistance on exporting to Layout issues that I’m having. Probably a long-winded rambling to hopefully a simple solution. I am utilizing a combination of CAD (existing background file that I received from client) and my new work/demo scope, I created a model of. I’m using the MOG system, and everything (I think) is fine from that approach. When I change to “Scope” mode, my existing, new, and demo all show up correctly as well.
Question now is, what’s the easiest/best drawing set to use when doing this hybrid of where I need the existing CAD line work to show up, in combination of what was drawn in Sketchup Pro? I have also added (2) new layers to “ELEMENT_Background” for my new and demo work (furniture, and prefer to keep as 2d). Lastly, I’ve updated to 4.8, as I was installing my on new Mac mini. When I try to delete scenes in multiple from LABS – Backgrounds drawing set, “delete” option grays out and I essentially have to Force Quit SU2020.
Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated!
Mike Anderson