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    Gregory Sarver

    Mike and all,

    I take it the verdict is in…FlexTools works well with ConDoc Tools?

    To modify my custom Drawing Sets, would I just need to add the ‘Other’ tags as shown in the Labs set?

    Any other limitations or workarounds needed to use it with ConDoc Tools?


    Mike Brightman

    Hello Greg!

    FlexTools definitely works with ConDoc!  The only heads up I have is regarding the Wall Cutter tool.  It’s really slick, but a bit temperamental when ConDoc Tags are assigned to the doors and windows utilizing Wall Cutter.  Sometimes the openings and hatches don’t show up correctly in LayOut. I recommend using it for designing, but then “unlink” the objects so they cut a full opening in the group.

    Regarding tags in your customized drawing set, you will need to add the 2d and 3d FlexTools tags and turn them on in the corresponding drawings.  When you add the tags to your drawing set they are turned off in all drawings by default.

    You could reference the FlexTools drawing set in the Labs folder to sort this out.  In short, turn on FlexTools – 2D Plan and FlexTools – 2D Symbols for plans.  Turn on FlexTools – 2D Elevation and FlexTools – 2D Symbols for sections and elevations.

    Let me know how it goes!


    Ruben Benitez

    Mike …. with all the improvements in ConDocs the last couple of years, maybe it’s time to develop some editing tools that work seamlessly with ConDocs. I think a suite of walls, doors and windows tools could take ConDocs to the next level and make it a more complete tool for the AEC industry. I’ve tried Flex Tools and Vali Architectures walls. doors and windows tools and yes they work, but no where seamlessly and IMHO they don’t offer enough of a real seamless solution / time savings to warrant the fickeled behavior, quirks and the workarounds that ultimately takes you back to where we were before the use of these tools.

    Gregory Sarver

    Thanks guys…I hope others join in!! I generally just build all of my own assets so I know exactly how they will work in my models and drawings. I haven’t downloaded or used FlexTools yet…just in the research phase.


    Gregory Sarver

    I like that idea of introducing ConDoc Tools compatible assets.  I still use the BD toilet in all my work, LOL.


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